Hi all,
As you might have seen I have been really lousy about updating the blog during the past month. The two most fitting reasons why this has not happened is; christmas and much work. The good news is that the studio build has really moved forward. The last update was about me receiving the ventilation equipment, but since then much has happened. I have assembled the fans and the ventilation ducts for both the room as well as the computer box, installed all electricity, lighting, floor and a door. The door is really a good story btw. My wife's parents, who is helping out a lot, mentioned to some distant friends that I was looking for a heavy door to be used in the studio build. It turned out that they had a solid teak door, with frame just lying around in their summer cottage too heavy to through away. I got it for free if I just picked it up! Perfect. It fit just nicely and just needs a new paint layer. Great!
The last couple of days we have finished the bass traps in the corners, the absorbers on the walls and the lighting. The last major task is to build the studio desk. I have some nice ideas how to do it and I have all the material I need so I will start this week. The plan is to have everything finalized by end of January. Let's see if I can make it!